Role Of Physical Therapy in Sciatica (Sciatic Pain) Or Treatment Without Medicines

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Sciatica: (What You Need To Know)
1: Sciatica is not a condition but rather a symptom of another problem involving the sciatic nerve.
2: Sciatica is the name given to pain caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Introduction of Sciatic Nerve:
• It is the longest and widest Nerve in the body. It runs from the lower back through the buttock and down the legs ending just below the knee.

Experts Review:
Some Expert Estimate That Up To 40 Percent Of people will experience sciatica at least once in their life.

Symptoms of Sciatica:
The main symptom is a shooting pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve from the lower back through the buttock and down the back of either leg.

1: Numbness (In the Leg along the Nerve)
2: Tingling Sensation (Pins and needles Sensation In the feet and toes)
3: Lower back pain.
4: Burning, weakness, Difficulty moving the leg and foot.
5: The Pain Is Aggravated By Sitting For a Long Period.

Causes Of Sciatica:

Sciatica is a common symptom of several diff body conditions.
1: Herniated Disc.
2: Spinal Stenosis.
3: Spinal Arthritis.
4: Spinal Trauma.
5: Spondylolisthesis.
6: Vertebral Fracture.
7: Age, Obesity, Occupation, Diabetes, Overgrowth Of bone, Prolonged Sitting.

1: Herniated Disc:
(Problem with One of the Rubbery Cushion B/w Individual Bones of the Spine)
2: Spinal Stenosis:
(Narrowing Of Spinal Canal)
3: Spinal Arthritis:
(Inflammation, pain, stiffness and tenderness of the joint)
4: Spinal Trauma:
(Forceful Impact Cause damage to spine)
5: Spondylolisthesis:
(The condition where one vertebra slips out of place over the vertebra below)
6: Vertebral Fracture:
(The fracturing of vertebra caused but trauma or other condition such as osteoporosis)

Piriformis Syndrome:
Sometimes another health issue unrelated to spine can cause Sciatica.

1: Piriformis syndrome is one of the non spinal related sciatic causes.
2: The sciatic nerve runs beneath the piriformis muscle .If the muscle become inflamed or Irritated put pressure on sciatic nerve.
3: In a Small Percentage of Population the sciatic nerve happens to run directly through the piriformis muscle which frequently causes sciatica.

How Is Sciatica Diagnosed?
If the symptoms of sciatica are mild and do not last longer than 4-8 weeks it is probably acute sciatica but if the Symptoms are greater then 4-8 weeks then it is chronic sciatica.
• PHYSIOTHERPIST Will perform basic exercise (SLR) that stretch the sciatic nerve .A shooting pain down the leg while performing these exercises usually Indicate Sciatica.

Treatment of Sciatica through Physical Therapy:

1: Strengthening:
Areas to Be Strengthened:
•The Lower back Muscles.
• Abdominal Muscles.
• Gluteal Muscles.
• Hip Muscles.

Strengthening Exercises.
• Core Stability Exercises.
1: Bridging Exercise
2: Quadrupled Exercise.

2: Stretching: (Effective)
Are Designed to Target Muscles That because Pain When They is Tight and Inflexible (Piriformis Muscle)
• Hamstring Stretch.
• Straight Leg Raise Stretch (SLR).
• SLR With Repetitive Dorsiflexion and Planter flexion.
• Knee to Chest Stretch Exercise Stretch (Stretch the Gluteal Muscles).
• Piriformis Stretch.

• Mobilization:
Apply The Grade 1-2 Mobilization.
Medication: NSAIDS (Aspirin, Ibuprofen), Acetaminophen, Muscle Relaxant (Neubral forte)
These Medication Relive Pain for Some Period of time .Not Treat the Root Cause.

Prevention: Fortunately There Is a Number Of ways to help Prevent Sciatic Never Injury or sciatica.
• Preventive Measure Typically Involves Taking Care of the body by practicing health habit.

• Exercise Regularly.
Strengthening and Stretching Exercise like (Yoga)
Low Impact Aerobics Like Swimming, Walking 
Exercise ball stretches can reduce stress on the abdomen and lower back
Muscles. Which Provide Proper posture and spine Alignment.
Regular Exercise Which Also Improve Strength, Flexibility and Range Of the Body.

• Avoid sitting cross-legged as they can put pressure on sciatic nerve.
• Using Proper Lifting Technique and Avoid heavy objects lifting especially with straight knee And Bend Back.
• Always keep your back straight and bent only knees while lifting something heavy
• Maintain a healthy body weight.
• Do not sit With Vault in Ur back pocket which compress the sciatic nerve.
• If you carry heavy weight for long time allows your lower extremity to do work.
Exercise regularly to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Contribution by:

Dr. Hammad Yasir (Physiotherapist)

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